Nelliana Spanish Therapist

I’m Nelliana Acuna

I’m a bilingual immigrant therapist. LMFT.

I have been a psychotherapist since 2008, working with individuals, couples, and families.

I know how difficult it is to sit down in front of a stranger to tell your most intimate things, your vulnerabilities, and the stories that you don’t dare to tell anyone. I have been there!

I have studied psychology, sex therapy, communication patterns, and couples and family therapy. I have practiced with myself, my family, and hundreds of other families, in different cultures and countries, so I have the experience.

I understand that having experienced some trauma can be a situation that marks you for life. Still, I also recognize that not all of us define ourselves by it, and there are always ways to integrate it into our lives.

If you want to check my resume, go to my LinkedIn profile

I know first-hand about successes and failures. I know how difficult it is to live in the United States with different backgrounds, values, and challenges. In addition, the sacrifices that come with starting and raising a family here.

If you are:
• trying to find yourself and discover who you are in this country

• battling with cultural and coexistence differences

• having difficulty controlling your children and their new influences

• tired of explaining your reality over and over again

You don’t have to look any further!

I can help you:

• Discover what you want and what your priorities are.

• Find the right words to make communication more assertive.

• Manage your emotions better

• Get practical solutions to conflicts

A fresh approach to therapy

I have developed a collaborative, respectful, natural, down-to-earth, and even a little out-of-the-box approach that allows me to find a way to connect with you and help you to find solutions and easy-to-apply strategies that fit your resources and needs.

Spanish Therapist with a patient
  • You will feel that I got you, showing you my presence, my attention, my concern, and my affection

  • I will understand you in-depth and with your nuances

  • I won’t seek to label you with words and diagnosis that do not allow you to be you

  • I will see your progress; noticing the slightest changes and making you see them

  • I will help you to recognize your strengths and resources, those that you already put into practice and that you use but that you yourself are not aware of.

  • I’m going to show you the exceptions and show you that at times in your life you’ve already managed to do what you want so much.

  • You will feel my most sincere admiration because I know how difficult it is to achieve small but profound changes.

I will always look for creative ways to continue the process, to help you reflect on those fixed ideas that we all have, and find new possibilities.

My promise if you don’t feel that I’m fulfilling your needs, I’ll make the necessary arrangements, so you feel that I’m here for you in the way that you need me to be.