Couples Therapy

Couple counseling

You may only have a few months or many years together, but if you are seeking therapy, instead of making the decision to move away from your partner it is because you have reason to believe that there is still something else that can be done, but there is definitely a part of you that can no longer stand and that really needs a change.

You wonder how they got to this situation and how they have endured so much.

Perhaps it is:

  • The first time you’ve fallen in love like this
  • They have been sacrificing for many years to build what they have.
  • You think he’s a good person
  • Or maybe they have children together.

Don't give up

Whatever your reasons, I ask you not to give up without having tried therapy.

We are sure that you believe or believe that they have already tried everything and nothing has changed but therapy always allows you to say and listen to things in a different way.

We have worked with many couples who have almost no hope anymore, and their last attempt is to test whether therapy can help them.

Therapy will help them decide if it's really worth fighting and what are the specific things they need to change to continue or if it is best to separate in the best possible way.

The perfect mediators

Many times our job is to serve as a translator for each other. We are not referring to translating Spanish or English, but to translating those words in which you think you are talking about the same thing, when in reality you are talking about very different things because everyone has their own perspective.

Our job is to find a way to build a common language so that they speak the same language and stop saying the same thing over and over again, getting the same result.

We have over 15 years of experience working with couples. We understand the difficulties of keeping a family together. We know what it's like to be about to give up, but have that shred of hope that maybe things can change if they try one last time.

We can help them understand what those specific changes are that everyone has to make... Yes, both. Here it is not going to be that only one is the one who is going to change. It doesn't work like that. We don't want to lie to you. The hardest work is really done by you, but we will share all our knowledge to find solutions that make sense for both of us and for the rest of the family.